“What’s new?”

According to Broadband-Testing, “Cloud is here to stay. However, the much-documented issues with public cloud, including cost and true scalability/ease of management, as well as data security and compliance issues, mean that hybrid or private cloud have to be considered as real alternatives.”

Hybrid cloud only partially resolves those issues and can be incredibly hard to both secure and manage. And it can be expensive. Early attempts (primarily of the DIY type) at creating private cloud deployments were somewhat less than successful however.

In the initial Broadband-Testing report, we showed that, with V1 of HyperCloud, SoftIron has been able to provide effectively a turnkey solution to private cloud deployment, with none of the issues involved in a DIY build approach, with predictable performance, scalability and costs.

In V2, the focus of this report update on SoftIron, it’s a case of improvements in all areas, from initial deployment, through performance and scalability, to enhanced security and general ease of management, with more component visibility.

Overall, with V2 of HyperCloud, SoftIron has taken an already excellent recipe for private cloud and basically improved every ingredient. Yes, there are still improvements ahead, but taking that latter word, it’s fair to say that SoftIron is teraflops ahead of the competition or, more realistically, any true alternative.

Download the full report here

Broadband-Testing is an independent testing operation, based in Europe. Broadband-Testing interacts directly with the vendor, media, analyst, consultancy and investment communities equally and is therefore in a unique space within IT.

Testing covers all aspects of a product/service from business rationalisation in the first instance to every element—from speed of deployment and ease of use/management, through to performance and accuracy.

Testing itself takes many forms, from providing due diligence for potential investors through to public domain test reports.

Broadband-Testing is completely vendor neutral and independent. If a product does what it says on the tin, then we say so. If it doesn’t, we don’t tell the world it does what it cannot do…The testing is wholly complementary to analyst-related reports; think of it as analysts getting their hands dirty by actually testing what’s on the latest hype curve to make sure it delivers on its claims and potential.

Broadband-Testing operates an Approvals scheme which prioritises products to be short-listed for purchase by end-users, based on their successful approval, and thereby short-cutting the evaluation process.

Output from the testing, including detailed research reports, articles and white papers on the latest IT technologies, are made available free of charge on our web site at www.broadband-testing.co.uk.

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