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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula ex id tristique tincidunt. Aenean gravida urna et semper lacinia. Mauris mattis tortor eget volutpat maximus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula ex id tristique tincidunt. Aenean gravida urna et semper lacinia. Mauris mattis tortor eget volutpat maximus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula ex id tristique tincidunt. Aenean gravida urna et semper lacinia. Mauris mattis tortor eget volutpat maximus.



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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula ex id tristique tincidunt. Aenean gravida urna et semper lacinia. Mauris mattis tortor eget volutpat maximus.
  • List item
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula ex id tristique tincidunt. Aenean gravida urna et semper lacinia. Mauris mattis tortor eget volutpat maximus.


Sub Heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula ex id tristique tincidunt. Aenean gravida urna et semper lacinia. Mauris mattis tortor eget volutpat maximus.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula ex id tristique tincidunt. Aenean gravida urna et semper lacinia. Mauris mattis tortor eget volutpat maximus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula ex id tristique tincidunt. Aenean gravida urna et semper lacinia. Mauris mattis tortor eget volutpat maximus.



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3 columns > medium md (1024px)

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  1. What is lorem ipsum?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam semper quam eget lectus convallis eleifend. Curabitur imperdiet tellus nec ligula euismod pulvinar. Cras rhoncus augue ut elit tincidunt, sit amet cursus lacus congue.

    Duis volutpat sit amet mauris at dapibus. Curabitur eget facilisis tellus. Quisque placerat imperdiet ipsum, at euismod purus vehicula eget. Aliquam erat volutpat.

  2. What is bacon ipsum?

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet andouille corned beef brisket pig pork belly swine. Cow sirloin meatloaf short ribs ground round chislic. Drumstick chuck sirloin, buffalo beef ribs pancetta ball tip hamburger ground round frankfurter short ribs salami shank.

    Sausage buffalo tenderloin, ribeye shankle ham hock chuck pig. Turducken doner pork tongue, buffalo pork chop capicola tenderloin.



Where do you even begin building a unified cloud technology?

Given the multidimensional nature of the challenge, it’s a big question. At SoftIron, four primary design goals informed virtually every decision we made about HyperCloud.

Starting from the ground up

In cloud environments, partial system failures in hardware tend to precipitate the ugliest and most unexpected issues. Faulty error correction, memory corruption, CPU failure, and kernel panics can all lead to serious problems that are difficult to debug. Not to mention that when you’re dealing with the intricacies of all the different generic technologies in composed private clouds, ongoing management is already a significant challenge.

The task-specific hardware options in HyperCloud are designed for consistency and to work as one regardless of network, storage, or compute function. This approach not only eliminates compatibility issues and the associated snowballing management challenges, it opens the door to simplified management of the technology “fleet” and unprecedented possibilities for improving cloud operations. And every layer of HyperCloud technology is designed and built accordingly.


Simplicity and elegance

Make operators’ experiences as simple as possible by abstracting away as much storage, networking, and compute complexity as possible.

Unified design and support

Ensure every part of the stack works seamlessly together and can be supported by a single vector.

Scalability and resilience

Support deployments from less than a rack to dozens of racks with minimal configuration burdens, enabling operators to comfortably provide SLAs to tenants and stakeholders.

Free wherever possible

As much as is technically possible, prioritise user freedoms for easily moving workloads wherever it makes the most sense.

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Designed, Not Assembled

From day one, our unique, “task specific” approach to design and manufacturing has enabled us to deliver our vision of a true, turnkey cloud experience for the enterprise. Based on our innovative technology strategy, HyperCloud was designed – not assembled – from the ground up to radically simplify cloud infrastructure, delivery and consumption. This allows you to confidently build the right size and shape cloud for your business without introducing the complexity of multiple, superfluous firmware, operating systems, or hardware components.

Stock options

We think of it as ‘skin in the game’. You’re here because you believe in what we’re doing, and because we believe in you. So let’s make it official and when we make it big, we’ll all make it big together.


CRN Cloud 100 – SoftIron named in the Top 20 Coolest Cloud Infrastructure Companies 2023


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HyperCloud support

With HyperCloud you never experience unexpected costs. No egress charges, no hidden service fees or locked features.

Unlike most other solutions out there, you get a single vendor support experience with HyperCloud. We’re a globally distributed company with follow-the-sun support that spans the hardware, operating systems, virtualization stack, and cloud experience technologies. No finger pointing, no excuses.

HyperCloud support

With HyperCloud you never experience unexpected costs. No egress charges, no hidden service fees or locked features.

Unlike most other solutions out there, you get a single vendor support experience with HyperCloud. We’re a globally distributed company with follow-the-sun support that spans the hardware, operating systems, virtualization stack, and cloud experience technologies. No finger pointing, no excuses.




Softies worldwide


Remote workforce


Offices worldwide


Years in business

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Private cloud that behaves like cloud

A world first

HyperCloud is an innovative cloud solution meeting the stringent needs of defence, national security and government customers with demanding security and performance requirements.

HyperCloud is the world’s first complete technology for building and running clouds in private, hybrid and air-gapped environments. SoftIron is the first company to have taken a holistic approach to developing a singular and unified cloud technology platform that is secure by design, not remediation, across its hardware and software components.

Private cloud that behaves like cloud

HyperCloud is an innovative cloud solution meeting the stringent needs of defence, national security and government customers with demanding security and performance requirements.

HyperCloud is the world’s first complete technology for building and running clouds in private, hybrid and air-gapped environments. SoftIron is the first company to have taken a holistic approach to developing a singular and unified cloud technology platform that is secure by design, not remediation, across its hardware and software components.

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HyperCloud support

With HyperCloud you never experience unexpected costs. No egress charges, no hidden service fees or locked features.

Unlike most other solutions out there, you get a single vendor support experience with HyperCloud. We’re a globally distributed company with follow-the-sun support that spans the hardware, operating systems, virtualization stack, and cloud experience technologies. No finger pointing, no excuses.


HyperCloud support

With HyperCloud you never experience unexpected costs. No egress charges, no hidden service fees or locked features.

Unlike most other solutions out there, you get a single vendor support experience with HyperCloud. We’re a globally distributed company with follow-the-sun support that spans the hardware, operating systems, virtualization stack, and cloud experience technologies. No finger pointing, no excuses.


HyperCloud support

With HyperCloud you never experience unexpected costs. No egress charges, no hidden service fees or locked features.

Unlike most other solutions out there, you get a single vendor support experience with HyperCloud. We’re a globally distributed company with follow-the-sun support that spans the hardware, operating systems, virtualization stack, and cloud experience technologies. No finger pointing, no excuses.


HyperCloud support

With HyperCloud you never experience unexpected costs. No egress charges, no hidden service fees or locked features.

Unlike most other solutions out there, you get a single vendor support experience with HyperCloud. We’re a globally distributed company with follow-the-sun support that spans the hardware, operating systems, virtualization stack, and cloud experience technologies. No finger pointing, no excuses.


HyperCloud support

With HyperCloud you never experience unexpected costs. No egress charges, no hidden service fees or locked features.

Unlike most other solutions out there, you get a single vendor support experience with HyperCloud. We’re a globally distributed company with follow-the-sun support that spans the hardware, operating systems, virtualization stack, and cloud experience technologies. No finger pointing, no excuses.



Built different

  • Charles C. Ruffino
  • Fellow, Cloud Architecture
  • 2:58

Built different

  • Charles C. Ruffino
  • Fellow, Cloud Architecture
  • 25:10

Built different

  • Charles C. Ruffino
  • Fellow, Cloud Architecture
  • 1:27


From the depths to the data center



  1. Phil Straw

    Phil Straw

    Co-founder & CEO
  2. Phil Straw

    Phil Straw

    Co-founder & CEO
  3. Phil Straw

    Phil Straw

    Co-founder & CEO


  • Manage your cloud as one, at any scale. Enable self-service delivery and multi-tenancy across private and hybrid infrastructure.
  • Manage your cloud as one, at any scale. Enable self-service delivery and multi-tenancy across private and hybrid infrastructure.
  • Manage your cloud as one, at any scale. Enable self-service delivery and multi-tenancy across private and hybrid infrastructure.
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